Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gianna Jessen: Abortion Survivor

Around this time of year, there are a lot of "walks" and "talks" all over the nation to emphasize pro-life. My husband and I were apart of the pro-life chain this last Sunday. We held up signs and waved to the passerbys. While doing that, we got into a discussion of how people get themselves into these predicaments. I believe that the majority of the world knows that abortion is murder. They just try to convince themselves otherwise to feel better. They just choose to end the life of someone else instead of their own. What I mean by that is that many people think that their life ends when they have children-- now I have to care for someone else.

I will always remember a statement my mom told me once. We were talking about her life and growing up and she said that she felt like her life started when she got married and had children. I think that is so beautiful. If only we could see what a difference we get to make in the next generation.

I wanted to share this video with you. This is Gianna Jessen a young woman whose mother attempted to abort her but God saved her life, twice. PLEASE take the time to watch this. It's a beautiful story.

PS. What most people don't realize is that abortion hurts the woman in a deep way. If you are reading this and have already had an abortion, go to your nearest pro-life center. There is HOPE and forgiveness in the Lord and many of these centers have special counseling and retreats for you.-rejoicing in the present

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