Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Beginning A New Journey

My baby had just been placed in my arms.  She was a tiny beautiful little mess.  I was exhausted but yet excited to start this new journey.  Then, my midwife said "look,  she has 6 fingers."  I was thinking "What? can that happen?" Then we counted and, yes, she did have 6 fingers. 

Polydactyly. This is the name of the extra blessing that my baby received. Polydactyly literally means “extra digits.” There may be an extra thumb, small finger, or, less commonly, an extra digit in the central part of the hand. Polydactyly is one of the most common congenital hand anomaliesWhen the hands and feet are developing in the womb, they start out as flat “paddles” that then normally separate into five digits. Polydactyly occurs when this separation process is excessive, and an extra “segment” is created. -smilesforkids

What is REALLY cool is that T's case is very unique. Polydactyly is 10xs more likely to be seen in an African American than a Caucasian  and also more common in a male.  Most people born with Polydactyly are usually born with just one extra finger or toe.  T is a female Caucasian with one extra finger and toe on each hand and foot.  She has four extra and they all match perfectly.  Wow!  So T was born with an unusual case of Polydactyly.  What a blessing to have been picked to go on this journey!

When I was first wrapping my mind around this, a thought that came to mind was this.  We are taught that we should be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Well, T just has one more finger and toe with which to do that.

We want to do the best thing for T.  If that means leaving it, then that's what we will do. We will encourage her to serve God with those extra fingers and toes and I know she will do it beautifully. Unfortunately, though, it looks like T will have surgery.  Due to the way her one foot is, she probably won't be able to walk without surgery. 

You may have questions (I have questions :-) ) BUT we really do not know more then what I have posted here. We will, however, give you updates as we know more but I would ask that you pray for wisdom for us and the doctors.

We thank God for this blessing and ask for His strength and wisdom as we go forward.  May God get the glory and honor! --Rejoicing in the Present

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