Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hope & Healing

Maybe you have come to Jesus and you have asked for healing but you feel you have been ignored.

 Tony Hudson goes on to say in KINGDOM WOMAN that there are 4 types of healing

  1. He can supernaturally heal you
  2. He can use human means to remedy your condition
  3. He can give you strength to handle your condition until He corrects it
  4. He can enable you to persevere through the pain on earth until your full healing is made manifest in Heaven
Our desired type of healing and God’s can be quite different at times.
A young girl prayed for her grandmother to be healed from a serious illness and when she died, the girl grew bitter at God.  She thought that God had ignored her request.  What she didn’t realize is that God had answered her prayers.  Her grandmother had no more pain, no more sickness and was with the Father that loved for and cared for her more then anyone could possibly care.

 God may teach you something through your trial.  He may bring you closer to Him through it all.  He may bring others to Him through you.  The most important thing is to have spiritual healing and to have peace that no matter what happens, no matter what trial you are going through, that God is in control. Come to Him, let him handle your trial and thank Him for the outcome.

 “I want to encourage you to hang in there. A Kingdom woman sets her eyes on Jesus, and He strengthens her to be all she was created to be.” – T.H.

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