Monday, October 24, 2016

Global Soccer Mom

As I mentioned in a previous blog, I had the privileged of obtaining some extra cuddle time with my daughter during a recent illness. As she lay sleeping next to me, I read GLOBAL SOCCER MOM.

The story is about a mom, Shayne Moore, who was an advocate with ONE, a program fighting to end extreme poverty and fight HIV+/AIDS on a global level. As with any book you read, you have to chew the meat and spit out the bones. However, the overall message of the book was that we moms can do something and should do "something".

One of the thoughts that saddened my heart was from a conversation she related. She was commenting to a friend that the church was not going to be the one to be able to bring in billions of dollars to overturn poverty. It was going to take the globe to overturn it.  I thought sadly about this statement and wondered why we haven't at least made a bigger dent.  Why do we need welfare?  Why do we need the government stepping in?  Why haven't we done more?

So what can we do?

As I mentioned in previous blogs, I believe our family is our highest calling, so we must first make sure that that is in order.  

Also, I mentioned about being intentional. We can also be intentional when it comes to ministry. This is where that comes into play.

Take your kids on a missions trip.  Yep, I said it and Yes I have done it.  It's hard on the family but it's important that your children see what is going on in the world.  I TRULY believe that EVERY child needs to go on at least 1 missions trip before they leave the home.  One of my HUGEST blessings in life, is that I have had the opportunity to go to Mexico, The Bahamas, South Africa, Zambia, Ireland and Great Britain on missions trips. 

Here is an idea: Instead of saving up for a cruise or a Disney vacation, save up for a missions trip.  The latter will be much more fulfilling.

Have your family serve in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, volunteer at a Ronald McDonald House near you.  Take meals to shut-ins and teach your children to be a blessing to the elderly.

Give your children a world-view.  When they are old enough to handle the information, give them statics.  Show them sin and the result of sin.  Help them to learn to love people no matter their sinful lifestyle.

We have a family in our church who serves in a poverty stricken area every summer. The mom is a nurse and she takes her two teenage children while the dad stays home with the other children. They are using their gifts for the Lord. This is intentional

Pack a shoebox for Samaritans Purse.  

Sponsor a child, foster or even adopt a child.

There are so many things that we can do to help change the world.  If we ALL did a LITTLE, we could make a HUGE dent.

We don't have to everything, just do something.  If we would all get on board and be the hands and feet of Jesus, the world would be a different and better place. -Rejoicing in the Present

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