Wednesday, September 21, 2016


My husband and I love to tease, tickle and wrestle with the little kiddos.  Often they will run to the other parent screaming “Poe-tect” ME!!!!   It’s funny to see them run to the one with the most power and then turn around with confidence and continue the fight.

Priscilla Shirer gives a similar story in her book ARMOR OF GOD.  She tells us a story about her boys playing around with her and wrestling her to the ground…

“…sometimes one of them will spring from around a corner, nestle a shoulder into my waistline and sling me, flailing and begging, over his shoulder. His brothers will laugh hysterically while I’m hauled to the sofa, tossed onto the cushions, and then forcibly pinned down, no hope of escape."

Later on in the chapter she writes. “At some point during my wrestling matches with the boys, when I’ve been thoroughly subdued despite my best efforts at fighting back, their father will appear, ready to save and rescue me. The sight of his looming six-foot-three-inch frame will send all the younger Shirer men careening in a million different directions. All of a sudden, I’m free and back on my feet. Not because I’m particularly strong – in fact I’m not as strong as my boys are becoming but because I’m in a relationship with someone who is."

Ladies, did you get that last statement?!?!?!  We are NOT able to fight the devil and his helpers because we are so witty or so strong.  You are not truly free from your addictions because you just woke up and decided to get over them.

The only way for TRUE victory is because i have the power of the ONE who can actually do something about it.

Ladies, there is victory.  We can win!!!! …but we can’t do it alone. It’s all about our Partner.

In Ephesians 1:18-21 and 3:14-19, the Bible speaks to us about the power and the riches He has for us.  It’s not that if we pray we will get them. I t is that THEY ARE ALREADY THERE.  We just need to have our eyes opened and see that they are there.

I want to give you a challenge.  I want you to vow to pray these scriptures over your life every day for at least a week.

Pray that God would open your eyes and that you would see his power and truly know the love He has for you.

Ladies, God is right there ready to empower us, to surround us with His love, to show us what He has planned for us.  Will I take the challenge? Will you pray this over your life and those around you?  I can promise that if we truly desire this, God will answer because this is a YES prayer.  I have already seen Him work in my life. Will you join me??? - Rejoicing in the Present

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