Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Letter to the Mom of a Special-Needs Child

I am excited to introduce to you, Rosemarie. She is the mother of two adorable little boys and the wife of a man who defends our country. The Lord has led her on a beautiful journey which you can read about by clicking this link -> Raylens Journey. I know you are going to enjoy her letter. If you know someone who has a special needs child, please pass this on. - Rejoicing in the Present

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. -Proverbs 3:5-6

Living in the mommy world means lots of things to lots of people, but being a mommy to a child with disabilities brings a whole new dimension to that already difficult-to-define word. Moms of all kinds are my heroes! The daily grind of all involved, the hats we wear, the kisses we give, the emotional roller coasters we ride, the prayers we pray. There really is nothing in the world like a mother! But then, I entered the world of disabilities and coupled it with motherhood and it became my "beautiful disaster"!

You add doctor visits, unknown diagnosis, education, confusion, letdown, long nights, horror stories, questions, the inevitable grieving stages, extra bags to hold the extra needs, renovations, and everything else in between that comes with the disability you're facing with your little one, and your world just got a whole lot more confusing and busy.

You become a textbook of information, your best friend wears scrubs (aka, the doctors), and everyone you talk to seems to only add to the burden no matter how great their intentions. Some days are better than others, but everyday brings the same answer…"No Cure".

So, what do you do? How do you keep moving forward? Where is your strength when you’re depleted emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually…? Can I share my secret with you?

I've prayed long and hard for God to show me the direction in which to write this letter, to you all, the hidden heroes, mommies to children with disabilities. I am humbled by the enormous blessing to address each of you, no matter where in life you are, and encourage you with something God has laid on my heart:

When it's dark, when you can't understand, when you're overwhelmed, when there is no end in sight, when no further answers exist...God is a good Father! Every plan, every day, every moment, every thought, He is near, planning, preparing, listening, going before you. Trust His character. He never changes, He never forgets, He never leaves. He is good, loving, faithful, in CONTROL!

We are moms, we cling to clichés, don't we? :) Trusting God can become a cliché sometimes. Almost as much as "live in the moment" or "this too shall pass". But God is anything but a cliché. He planned from the beginning of time to place you right where you are. He had a perfect reason for it. Is it stretching your faith? Is it strengthening your resolve? Is it enlarging your prayer life? Is it filling your cup? If it isn't, let God have His perfect way in your life. Don't lean on your own understanding, lean on His everlasting arms. Don't try to walk without Him, let Him hold your hand.

Remember, He is a good Father! Nothing will He give you that you cannot handle WITH HIM, His grace is sufficient! (2 Corinthians 12: 7-11)

Soak in every moment. Learn to recognize His presence. No memory is too small to mentally record. Take pictures. Pray. Read. NOTICE!

One of the greatest blessings I have received out of my son's disability is the ability to NOTICE. I notice others more, I recognize beauty faster, I breath in differences daily. Let your situation and circumstances mold you and change you. Let the joy in the journey God has blessed you with transform the already amazing woman you are into a true masterpiece of love. There is a work only God can do in our lives as we live everyday caring for our children, but there is a work of art to be made out of a surrendered mother, caring for her special-needs child.

I love you all and will be praying for each of you as you read this, that a spark of that which God has used to ignite my heart would catch on all of you as you continue, adventure to adventure along this wonderfully, amazing journey!

Beautifully and Sincerely Yours,

Rosemarie Bullington

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