Happy Mother's Day
Recently, I wrote a post about a controversial blog- post about a Mother's Day video. In the post, I wrote a shout-out to my mom and if you didn't get to read it before, I hope you will read about the amazing and wonderful woman that I get to call "Mom".
My mother had 5 children whom she loved, trained and taught. If there was an award for a Stay-at-Home Mom of the Year, she would have won it every year. She made most of our meals from scratch; she couponed, cleaned, nursed us, and read to us for hours each week, drove us to school, church, lessons, and games and so on. She went above and beyond with me as she home schooled me from 5th grade through 12th grade. She also nursed me for months at a time, as I had four major spinal surgeries, where I was on my back for about a month each time. I know there were days that she didn't sit down much, and plenty of nights, she didn't, and still doesn't, sleep.
She has always been one to put her stuff down and talk and counsel me when I call. (I call almost every day) She took time, everyday, to have a private time with God and taught us to do the same. She was and is a godly woman. Is she perfect? No, but she tried to give her best. She didn't do it for glory; she did it because she knew that was what God was asking of her to do.
Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you! - Rejoicing in the Present
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