"It is only by God’s grace that our children turn out at all, and only His grace saves our children, not our best intentions or methods." - This from Ruth @ bettermom.com. We can only pray that our children's hearts will be tender to the calling of the Lord and freedom He brings.
While we are praying, we can also be intentionally be teaching them the Bible, so that they have the opportunity to know the One who is calling them. If you don't have children in your home, I would encourage you to still read the ideas below as they are great tools for Sunday School workers and aunts, uncles and anyone who has any contact with kids.
Here is a list of 4 ideas from Ruth @ bettermom.com for incorporating the Bible into your kid's lives... - Rejoicing
While we are praying, we can also be intentionally be teaching them the Bible, so that they have the opportunity to know the One who is calling them. If you don't have children in your home, I would encourage you to still read the ideas below as they are great tools for Sunday School workers and aunts, uncles and anyone who has any contact with kids.
Here is a list of 4 ideas from Ruth @ bettermom.com for incorporating the Bible into your kid's lives... - Rejoicing
1. Bible Ball – My kids loooove this and it is amazing what they can learn! You can use this game to learn the books of the Bible, Kings of Israel, etc. Have your kids sit in a circle with you. One person starts with the ball. If you were doing the books of the Bible they would say, “Genesis”, and then pass it to whoever they wanted to, and that person would have to say “Exodus”, and they would pass it and so on.
2. Scripture Scavenger Hunt – My kids loooove this too!!
Take notecards, write a different scripture reference on each one and hide them in strategic places. The children go searching together, and take turns finding a card. When they find a card they get one point for finding it, and two points if they can recite the scripture that is written on the card. At the end each child’s points are tallied, and we usually give everyone a sweet treat as a prize :).
3. Sundae Sunday and The Story of God -We have a tradition that we do on Sundays called Sundae Sunday! Before bedtime we gather together as a family and sing worship songs, and read through a lesson of The Story of God. You can download it here. We then pray together and have Ice Cream Sundaes!!
4. Nightly Devotional Time - Two great books we have found to read with small children are Goodnight Warrior and Jesus Storybook Bible. With our oldest son, we just had him start reading through the Bible when he was 8. A really great family devotional is 24 Family Ways by Clay Clarkson.
One side note--don't forget to pray with your child. When you have any opportunity to take them to the throne of God, do it! Be intentional about leading them in prayer and helping them build their own prayer life. - Rejoicing in the Present
One side note--don't forget to pray with your child. When you have any opportunity to take them to the throne of God, do it! Be intentional about leading them in prayer and helping them build their own prayer life. - Rejoicing in the Present
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